Saturday 6 January 2007

Binswanger: Schizophrenia 50 Years On. Inner Circle Seminar 115 (10 June 2007)

Ludwig Binswanger

Ludwig Binswanger
50 Years On
Anthony Stadlen

Inner Circle Seminar No. 115
Sunday 10 June 2007
10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

The Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst Ludwig Binswanger (1881–1966) is known as the ‘father’ of existential psychotherapy and of Daseinsanalysis (though Heidegger said Binswanger had misunderstood him). In 1910 he inherited the Kreuzlingen asylum, or ‘sanatorium’, founded by his grandfather in 1857. Its famous ‘patients’, voluntary or involuntary, included Breuer’s ‘Anna O.’, Nijinsky, Aby Warburg, and Princess Alice (Prince Philip's mother). Five ‘schizophrenics’ have become famous through Binswanger’s extraordinary case studies: ‘Ilse’, ‘Ellen West’, ‘Jürg Zünd’, ‘Lola Voss’, ‘Suzanne Urban’. In 1957, the centenary of the founding of the asylum, Binswanger collected these five case studies in his book Schizophrenia. This seminar will try to help make them better known in this country. We shall explore the beginnings of existential psychotherapy in these seminal, but questionable, writings.

Venue: Room C, Acland Building, Regent’s College, Inner Circle, London NW1
Cost: Students £77, others £99, in advance; some bursaries
Apply to: Anthony Stadlen, ‘Oakleigh’, 2A Alexandra Avenue, London N22 7XE
Tel: +44 (0) 20 8888 6857 E-mail:

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