Medard Boss |
Medard Boss
Psychoanalysis and Daseinsanalysis
50 years on
Anthony Stadlen
Inner Circle Seminar No. 122
Sunday 9 December 2007
10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Medard Boss’s book Psychoanalysis and Daseinsanalysis, written in close collaboration with Martin Heidegger, was published fifty years ago in 1957. Gion Condrau wrote that it ‘settled accounts with just about all hitherto known schools of psychotherapy in one fell swoop’. Emmy van Deurzen wrote that Boss was ‘probably the foremost exponent of existential psychotherapy in its purest form’. In this seminar we examine this ‘purity’. Boss and Heidegger explicitly tried to ‘purify’ Daseinsanalysis of the scientism that constricts psychoanalysis. But did they confuse and constrain Daseinsanalysis by conceiving it as ‘medical’? Today, Anthony Stadlen presents findings from his research on Daseinsanalysis, and in particular on Boss’s paradigm case of ‘Dr Cobling’, to help answer these questions. Your contribution to the investigation is warmly invited.
Venue: Room G, Regent’s College, Inner Circle, London NW1 4NS
Cost: Students £88, others £110, some bursaries, in advance10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Medard Boss’s book Psychoanalysis and Daseinsanalysis, written in close collaboration with Martin Heidegger, was published fifty years ago in 1957. Gion Condrau wrote that it ‘settled accounts with just about all hitherto known schools of psychotherapy in one fell swoop’. Emmy van Deurzen wrote that Boss was ‘probably the foremost exponent of existential psychotherapy in its purest form’. In this seminar we examine this ‘purity’. Boss and Heidegger explicitly tried to ‘purify’ Daseinsanalysis of the scientism that constricts psychoanalysis. But did they confuse and constrain Daseinsanalysis by conceiving it as ‘medical’? Today, Anthony Stadlen presents findings from his research on Daseinsanalysis, and in particular on Boss’s paradigm case of ‘Dr Cobling’, to help answer these questions. Your contribution to the investigation is warmly invited.
Venue: Room G, Regent’s College, Inner Circle, London NW1 4NS
Apply to: Anthony Stadlen, ‘Oakleigh’, 2A Alexandra Avenue, London N22 7XE
Tel: +44 (0) 20 8888 6857 Email: