Psychotherapy, seminars, papers

Monday, 10 January 2000

Freud’s ‘Dora’ Case 100 Years On: An Existential Study: Inner Circle Seminar (29 October 2000)

Ida (‘Dora’) and her brother Otto Bauer

Freud’s ‘Dora’ Case

100 Years On
An Existential Study

Anthony Stadlen
a twelve-hour seminar
Sunday 29 October 2000
10 a.m. to 10 p.m.

‘...a new case of an eighteen-year-old girl, smoothly opening to the available collection of picklocks...’

Venue: Room A, Acland Building, Regent’s College, London NW1 4NS
Cost: Students £59 (£75 after 29 Sept.); others £76 (£95 after 29 Sept.
Information: Anthony Stadlen, 64 Dartmouth Park Road, London NW5 1SN
Tel: +44 (0) 20 7485 3896 E-mail:

Sunday, 9 January 2000

Skues, Stadlen, Swales conduct: ‘Aliquis’. Inner Circle Seminar (24 September 2000)

The Jews allegedly ritually murder Simon of Trent


The Centenary of Freud’s
Paradigm Slip

Historical Detection –
Existential Analysis

Richard Skues
Anthony Stadlen
Peter Swales
conduct a twelve-hour seminar

Sunday 24 September 2000
10 a.m. to 10 p.m.
Freud, in The Psychopathology of Everyday Life, claimed a ‘young man’ forgot the word ‘aliquis’ in a line of Virgil. Freud analysed this as a ‘slip’. Was the ‘young man’ Freud himself? Was he having an affair with his wife’s sister? Or did he invent the ‘slip’? What is the ethics of the ‘Freudian slip’? What is its existential phenomenology? What are the implications for practice and theory?

Venue: Room A, Acland Building, Regent’s College, London NW1 4NS

Cost: Students £59 (£75 after 24 August); others £76 (£95 after 24 August)Apply to: Anthony Stadlen, 64 Dartmouth Park Road, London NW5 1SN
Tel: +44 (0) 20 7485 3896 E-mail:

Friday, 7 January 2000

‘Aliquis’ – ‘Dream’ – ‘Dora’. Inner Circle Seminars (Fifth Series: 2000 – 2001)

Aliquis’ – ‘Dream’ – ‘Dora’

Anthony Stadlen
Freud Centenary Seminars
(Fifth Series: 2000–2001)

From the autumn of 1900 to the summer of 1901, Freud worked on The Psychopathology of Everyday Life and the short book On Dreams; he also analysed Dora, and wrote up her ‘case’ as Dreams and Hysteria. We study these three interlacing masterworks that set the tone for the twentieth century.

These seminars are a collaborative existential, phenomenological, ethical investigation. They are not for ideological Freudians or anti-Freudians. They rethink Freud’s quest a hundred years later (to the day when possible). Historical detection leads to existential and ethical analysis. By throwing light on the past, we clarify and renew our own present and future practice and theory. Participants say the seminars are a safe place to explore their perplexities.

1.* 24 September 2000
‘Am slowly writing on the psychopathology of everyday life...’
This 12-hour seminar* celebrates the centenary of the most famous of all Freudian slips. Freud claimed a ‘young man’ forgot the word ‘aliquis’ in a line of Virgil. Freud analysed this as a ‘slip’. But was the ‘young man’ Freud himself? Was he having an affair with his wife’s sister? Or did he invent the ‘slip’? Richard Skues, Anthony Stadlen and Peter Swales report their twenty years of detective work.

2.* 29 October 2000
‘…a new case of an eighteen-year-old girl, smoothly opening to the available collection of picklocks...’
This 12-hour seminar* celebrates, if that is the word, Freud’s beginning Dora’s ‘treatment’. His ‘Dora’ is the most famous of all case-studies. She is the most famous of all ‘hysterics’. But was she really an ‘hysteric’? Was she a ‘schizophrenic’, as some have alleged? Or was she ‘merely’ the victim of a criminal sexual conspiracy? Was she ‘ill’ at all? Anthony Stadlen’s research illumines these questions.
3. 26 November 2000
‘This time there must be no error, nothing provisional...’
4. 7 January 2001
‘...the “Everyday Life”...gathers all sorts of private matters.’
5. 4 February 2001
‘ ...bisexuality is named and acknowledged...’
6. 4 March 2001
‘I shall make no further attempt to break through my isolation.’
7. 1 April 2001
‘Does this mean that perhaps its “day” has come?’
8. 29 April 2001
‘I remain loyal to thought reading...’
9. 27 May 2001
‘“Dreams and Hysteria”’ is sent off...’
10. 24 June 2001
‘I notice he knows nothing of what is behind dreams...’

Seminars on Sundays from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
*Seminars 1 and 2 from 10 a.m to 10 p.m.

Venue: Room A, Regent’s College, Inner Circle, Regent’s Park, London NW1 4NS

Cars may be parked in the College for £6 all day; or in the Inner Circle for £1 per hour between 9.30 a.m. and 6 p.m. Baker Street underground is ten minutes’ walk. Breastfeeding mothers and babies are welcome in the seminars. There is access for people with disabilities. Refreshments may be bought in the College Refectory or the Park CafĂ©.

Cost: Students £56 monthly, others £70, a week in advance. Or in three instalments: students £176, others £220, by 3 September, 17 December, 11 March. Or the series: students £480, others £600, by 17 September.

Apply to: Anthony Stadlen, 64 Dartmouth Park Road, London NW5 1SN
Tel: 020 7485 3896 E-mail:

Thursday, 6 January 2000

Aaron Esterson: ‘The Dialectics of Madness’. Inner Circle Seminar (18 June 2000)

Aaron Esterson

Aaron Esterson
(1923 – 1999)

‘The Dialectics of Madness’

Anthony Stadlen
conducts a twelve-hour seminar
Sunday 18 June 2000
10 a.m. to 10 p.m.
Venue: Room F, Acland Building, Regent’s College, London NW1 4NS
Cost: Students £59 (£75 after 25 May); others £76 (£95 after 25 May)
Apply to: Anthony Stadlen, 64 Dartmouth Park Road, London NW5 1SN
Tel: +44 (0) 20 7485 3896 E-mail: