Psychotherapy, seminars, papers

Tuesday, 1 September 1998

The Dream as Paradigm. Inner Circle Seminars (Third series: 1998 – 1999)


‘Insight such as this falls to one’s lot but once in a lifetime’

(THIRD SERIES: 1998 – 1999)

These seminars retrace Freud’s path a hundred years later (to the day when possible). We have followed him from 21 April 1896, when he announced his seduction theory, to 21 September 1897, when he gave it up – and beyond. He wrote of ‘this collapse of all values’. But he insisted his dream theory stood firm. He took the dream as a ‘paradigm’. He said his way of interpreting dreams was ‘the royal road to the knowledge of the unconscious in the life of the soul’. We shall examine his claims as we approach the centenary of The Interpretation of Dreams. Starting from dreams, but not forgetting slips, we shall explore how psychotherapy may be non-seductive and non-violent; existential, phenomenological, ethical. The seminars renew Freud’s quest a hundred years on.

1. 13 September 1998
‘I lost the name of Signorelli on a little trip into Herzogovina…’
2. 11 October 1998
‘Ziehen accepted the little work in a friendly way…’
3. 8 November 1998
‘…a finally egg-shaped boil on the ridge of my scrotum, which reminded me of my relationship with you.’
4. 6 December 1998
‘The literature (on the dream) makes me completely stupid.’
5. 17 January 1999
‘…cheeks and buttocks – lips and labia – mouth = vagina…’
6. 14 February 1999
‘And why did he masturbate in such an odd position on the lavatory in Interlaken at fourteen? It was only to see the “Jungfrau”…’
7. 14 March 1999
‘I was astonished in Schnitzler’s Paracelsus how much a poet knows…’
8. 18 April 1999
‘Enter, here too are gods.’
9. 16 May 1999
‘…the essay on “screen-memories”, which goes off to Jena today.’
10. 20 June 1999
‘My own dreams are now reaching imbecilic complicatedness.’

Anthony Stadlen is an existential-phenomenological analyst. He teaches and supervises at Regent’s College School of Psychotherapy and Counselling; the New School of Psychotherapy and Counselling; the London Centre for Psychotherapy; and the Association of Independent Psychotherapists. His research is sponsored by the Nuffield Foundation. He is a former Research Fellow of the Freud Museum, London.

Seminars on Sundays
Morning 10 – 1 Afternoon 2 - 5

Venue: Regent’s College, Inner Circle, Regent’s Park, London NW1 4NS

Tel: 0171 486 0141

Ask for the seminar room at the reception desk. Cars may be parked free on Sunday in the college and park. Baker Street underground is ten minutes’ walk. Refreshments may be bought in the college or park restaurant. There is access for people with disabilities.

The series costs £550 (students £440) by 30 August; or three instalments of £200 each (students £180) by 30 August, 3 January, 4 April; or monthly £65 (students £52) a week in advance. Places are limited.

Apply to: Anthony Stadlen, 64 Dartmouth Park Road, London NW5 1SN
Tel: 0171 485 3896 Fax: 0171 482 5178 E-mail: